The Behemoth Corner


Last site update: July 26th 2024

Last thing updated: Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers + more

Last blog post: July 26th 2024

Other Videos | Blog

Alien Hominid/Alien Hominid HD/Alien Hominid 360 | Castle Crashers | Battleblock Theater | Pit People | Alien Hominid Invasion


Welcome to my fan site for the game company known as The Behemoth!

here i will be talking about the games they've made by giving you a general short story summary, gameplay summary, fun facts etc. of said games on their respective pages so you too can see how great their games are whether you're a new fan, an old fan or someone who hasn't even heard of them until now!

Feel free to also check out the blog for major site updates and updates on the company and their games like release date announcements and release anniversaries!


some disclaimers:

i am aware the website is kinda ugly, i only know some basic HTML and know nothing of CSS, i hope to make the site look better someday but for the time being this is how it looks and i apologize in advance

this site will NOT feature super detailed and in depth info about Castle Crashers weapons, how to unlock certain characters etc., if you want that info please go to the Castle Crashers wiki

please don't panic if i haven't updated the site in a while! i only update the site when i absolutely need to (typos, new info/images, rewording etc.) i promise i haven't abandoned the site!


Feel free to contact me as i'm almost always online:


© 2019-2024 YoBlockTheater

not affiliated with The Behemoth (unfortuntely) but they do however know of the sites existence and find it pretty cool

Divider and Logo drawn by YoBlockTheater (me!)